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it happened in the highlands the pennington family it happened in the highlands is the next book in the new historical highland series the penningtonsom usa today bestseller may mcgoldrick. lady josephine pennington was jilted by her fianc once rumors spread about her questionable origins. amazon customer reviews it happened in the highlands but the mystery of her family was fantastic and m this book well the time i invested to read. so for me this was a 2 star love story with a 5 star mystery. i would rmend the book it is second in the series but could easily be read as a stand alone title. it happened in the highlands by may mcgoldrick it happened in the highlands by may mcgoldrick is book two in the pennington family series. this is the story of lady josephine jo pennington and captain wynne melfort. we did meet jo in the first book romancing the scot but feel this can easily be a standalone book. it happened in the highlands by may mcgoldrickthe it happened in the highlands by may mcgoldrick. my review 1 out of 5 pearls series the pennington family 2 publication date march 27 2018. lady josephine pennington was jilted by her fianc once rumors spread about her questionable origins.

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it happened in the highlands ebook by may mcgoldrick it happened in the highlands by may mcgoldrick is book two in the pennington family series. this is the story of lady josephine jo pennington and captain wynne melfort. we did meet jo in the first book romancing the scot but feel this can easily be a standalone book.

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